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The final SmartCord Review has
been sucessfully completed on July 18th
request for an updated version of the final report
has been suggested, it will offer an opportunity
to build upon the work already achieved, to consolidate
its impact and will lead to the deployment of
the European Smart Card Technology .
Proceedings of the
eEurope Smart Cards Open Meeting in Athens, 4-5
June 2003
meeting on the theme eEurope Smart Card Infrastructure
and Services was hosted under the patronage
of the Greek Presidency by the Greek Ministry
of Economy and Finance and provided a wealth
of information in each of the following areas: |
current Greek
objectives and plans for the use of Smart
Cards in their Information Society infrastructure |
other national, European,
and international initiatives and projects
in the smart cards sector, in specific areas
such as e-government, e-banking, healthcare,
transportation, security, e-authentication,
etc. |
challenges and the developments
in smart card based eGovernment strategies
with particular emphasis on eJapan |
progress on the initiative
of the EC and Commissioner Diamantopoulou
for the European Health Insurance Card |
eEurope 2005 preliminary
smart card R&D directions from the FP6
First Call evaluation results |
collaboration in smart
cards programmes in standardization, in continuation
of current projects and applications and in
the launch of follow-on activities and plans |
collaborative network established through the
eESC initiative is continuing mainly through the
CEN/ISSS Workshop on eAuthentication, the ISCI
(International Smart Card Certification Initiative)
and continued activities by some ex-Trailblazers.
Provision for other collaboration is envisaged
in proposals currently under evaluation for funding
under FP6.
to Presentations
Release (85 Kb)
Meeting Report
eEurope Smart Card
Newsletter N°5 |
OSCIEv2 (March
2003) now available
A management
summary (164 kB) and the index to individual
parts of the eESC common specifications "Open
Smart Card Infrastructure for Europe v2 (March
2003) are now available. For an outline of the
core concepts and structure see the Preface
(92 kB)
The OSCIEv2 CD in
a stylish Smart Card Format will be available
from mid April. To receive a free personal copy
of the CD you are invited to provide your postal
address and other details using the OSCIEv2
CD Order Form Distribution of the limited
production run will be on a FIFO basis.
(106kB) and thanks to all for the interest and
participation in the eESC Initiative.
Please address questions
or comments to
van Arkel
eESC CoChair |
eESC CoChair |
The eEurope Smart
Card Charter has completed its 2002 mission successfully.
Its 50+ deliverables represent a significant contribution
for the whole smart card community.
This website is designed to
disseminate the results of the eEurope Smart Cards
initiative: the Open Smart Card Infrastructure
for Europe (OSCIE).
eEurope Smart Cards initiative gathered a vast
community of industry experts, users, operators,
academics with the objective of accelerating and
harmonising the development and use of smart cards
across Europe. It led to the production of a set
of common specifications CSv2 containing guidelines,
best practices, technical specifications and requirements
for political, legislative or technical action. |


eEurope SmartCards
is financed by the
European Commission
DG Information Society

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